Retreat Topics

Regular Zoom retreats on various core topics around life wisdom will be available throughout the year, with occasional special subject matter retreats also available. Topics will cover a wide variety of both professional and personal issues, from success and excellence to leadership, happiness, personal growth, and life transitions. Most retreats will involve some reading prior to the event, either suggested or required.


Plato’s Lemonade Stand: The Transformative Success Retreat. Choose the dates of August 21-23 or August 28-30, 2020.

What is true success in our work and lives, and how can we experience it in challenging times? Tom will begin this virtual retreat with some massively important preliminaries. We've all heard the old saying: When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But no one ever says how. Finally, with the help of the great philosophers of the past, Tom has figured it out. Just in time too, since life is now handing us truckloads of lemons! It turns out that times of disruptive change and uncertainty can make room for new forms of creativity and offer unexpected raw materials for masterful innovation. What happens will depend on us.

  • Look at what the great thinkers of the past have said about satisfying achievement in challenging times, whether personal or professional, and discover the tools they’ve left us for attaining it.

  • Reflect on the best ways to face difficulty and experience even more than resilience along the way.

  • Think about the ways in which we work toward new forms of success with others.

  • Examine how to flourish with uncertainty in our lives.

Suggested Pre-Reading: The Oasis Within by Tom Morris (Click on title to purchase from Amazon)

Future Retreats

Other Good Life virtual retreats will be held soon on various topics of leadership, ethics, and community.

A few mini-retreats (two-sessions, one day) may also be offered. Schedule to be determined.


Leadership and Life Excellence

This retreat will revolve around reading and discussing three short pieces of classic literature: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and the lessons they teach us about leadership and life excellence. During this virtual retreat we will:

  • Explore how leaders and top achievers can go wrong or get things right.

  • Figure out why so many smart and talented people make so many bad decisions.

  • Learn how to avoid making these same mistakes in our own lives and careers.

  • Supporting Lessons will be drawn from other classics, such as Don Quixote, Moby Dick, and The Education of Cyrus by Xenophon (once described by Peter Drucker as “The greatest book ever written on Leadership”).

Required Reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Click on title to purchase from Amazon)