Conversations on Wisdom and Life


We’re pleased to announce that Tom Morris (Class of ‘74), is launching a series of exclusive Zoom retreats for Morehead-Cain scholars, alumni, and staff that will begin in late August, 2020 and allow us to reconnect and reflect on some of the things that matter most for living a good life.

Many Morehead-Cains who have had the opportunity to attend a Triennial Alumni Forum report later that they left feeling physically exhausted but intellectually energized, full of new ideas, and wanting more. The forums have also created a new sense of our community through space and time, along with a desire to have more opportunities for ongoing conversations with fellow scholars across various classes and generations.

Pondering all this provided the impetus and rationale behind our new virtual Wisdom Retreats. In each weekend retreat on Zoom, a limited group of participants will engage intensively with Tom and occasional guest experts over practical philosophical topics and perspectives that are central to our shared quest for a good life. The goal will be to discover and begin to master in new ways some crucial core ideas that can be implemented in every facet of our journey in the world. The focus will be on tools of wisdom that have stood the test of time and how they can best be used in the challenges we face today, both professionally and personally.



View a sample retreat schedule and explore current and upcoming topics below.
