
Tom Morris, Ph.D.

After a career of teaching Philosophy at Notre Dame, and then over two decades of serving many of the world’s most successful companies in over a thousand closed, private sessions, Tom believes it is time to make smaller wisdom session available, starting with the the Morehead-Cain family. As a frequent Forum closing speaker, Tom has heard many scholars and alums express the desire to continue the conversation and go into many of the topics discussed in more depth.

“Our need for powerful wisdom has never been greater than it is right now.” -Tom Morris

Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom of philosophical perspectives and how it can be implemented into our every day modern lives.

More Details on Tom

For fifteen years, Tom Morris was one of Notre Dame's most popular professors ever, often having in class one eighth of the entire student body.  He now lives in Wilmington, NC where he serves as Chairman and CEO of the Morris Institute for Human Values.

Tom is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, where he was a Morehead-Cain Scholar. He holds a double PhD from Yale University, has been recognized by honorary doctorates from other great schools, and has won many awards in the academic world, including the University of North Carolina’s Distinguished Young Alumnus award, an honor he shares with former basketball great, Michael Jordan. 

Tom’s the author of 30 published books and counting.  His widely acclaimed 12th book, True Success, launched him into a new role as America's most active public philosopher dealing with issues of success and personal growth.  His next book, If Aristotle Ran General Motors, followed up with advice from ancient thinkers linking happiness and excellence.  His more recent books include The Art of Achievement, The Stoic Art of Living, and that extremely popular, big yellow book often seen in college dorms the night before final exams, Philosophy for Dummies.  Then there are other books, such as Superheroes and Philosophy, where Plato and Aristotle finally meet Superman and Batman, the business bestseller, If Harry Potter Ran General Electric, a book on the philosophy behind the success of Steve Jobs called Socrates in Silicon Valley, and his 8 new Egyptian novels launched by The Oasis Within and The Golden Palace that have been collectively described as “The Alchemist Meets Harry Potter Meets Indiana Jones.” His newest nonfiction book about difficulty and delight, just out in case life hands you any more of its plentiful lemons, is called Plato’s Lemonade Stand: Stirring Change into Something Great.

A traveling guitarist in his younger days, Tom has appeared in network TV commercials as the national spokesman for Disney’s Winnie the Pooh, a most philosophical bear, and has shared his wisdom on national television with such unlikely philosophy students as Regis Philbin on ABC, and the hosts of the NBC Today Show. His work has also been covered by CNBC, CNN International, NPR, and such other news outlets as The New York Times, USAToday, Newsweek, and The Economist, as well as various European newspapers and magazines. He’s been called the world’s happiest philosopher. Wherever he goes, Tom brings the wisdom of the ages into the challenges of everyday life with high energy and good humor.