Plato’s Lemonade Stand

The Transformative Success Retreat Schedule


The Virtual Zoom Retreat schedule will be two zoom sessions, each of 75 minutes. Spouses can both attend for only the one fee, as can roommates. We assume that retreat attendees won’t invite over all their friends, but it’s meant to be a learning experience either for you alone, or else as something you can share with anyone who would normally join you in the now familiar 2020 shelter-in-place scenario.

Each retreat will be launched with an email to all participants on Friday, and then take place on Saturday Morning with two idea packed sessions, separated by a short stretch and refresh break.

Official Schedule

Friday Informal Launch

A launch email will go out to all participants on Friday afternoon. The official Retreat Sessions will begin on Saturday Morning.

Saturday Morning Zoom Sessions

First Session: 10-11:15 AM: “Lemons to Lemonade: Wisdom for Dealing with Life’s Challenges.”

Second Session: 11:30 AM-12:45 PM: “True Success in Times of Change.”

Sunday Conclusion

A followup email will go out to each participant on Sunday, to continue the thinking of the weekend and idea implementation.

More Follow Up

There will be email followups for each session. Additional and optional personal coaching on the topics of the retreat and their implementation into ongoing life practices will be available at a reduced fee from the top wisdom coaches who are a part of the Morris Institute.

Future Retreats

Other Good Life virtual retreats will be held soon on topics of leadership, ethics, and community. The scheduled days and times will be the same. A few mini-retreats may also be offered that would consist of just two sessions on one day, likely Saturday.